"Arena" is one the episodes of the original Star Trek series that is iconic in the memories of die-hard and casual fans alike. It features an alien that was feared at the time the episode was released and which is mostly mocked now, and a battle between Kirk and that alien which became the basis not only for many future hours of Trek, but also, other television shows and films as well.
The long and short of the story: the Enterprise is called to the Starfleet base on Cestus III. Kirk and a landing party beam down to discover that the base is in ruins, destroyed by a mysterious enemy who begins attacking the party. The party finds a survivor, who informs Kirk that the base was destroyed before the message was sent to the Enterprise, meaning the enemy wanted to lure the ship there. While Kirk and his team struggle to survive the disruptor barrage on the surface, the Enterprise is engaged in a fight with a ship never seen before. Kirk defeats the aliens on the planet and returns his team to the Enterprise and orders a pursuit of the enemy vessel. The Enterprise catches up to the alien ship, but Kirk is spirited off the bridge to the surface of an unexplored planet after being told by a mysterious alien race called the Metrons that he must battle the captain of the alien vessel. Planetside, Kirk meets the enemy captain, his first encounter with a Gorn, a large humanoid reptile. Kirk must use his wits to construct a weapon from the raw materials of the planet to survive against the Gorn, who is also given the same challenge. Kirk eventually defeats the Gorn, but proves to the Metrons that humans are not all savages when he spares the helpless Gorn's life. Kirk is returned to the Enterprise after a Metron tells him that one day far in the future, humans will be worthy of a partnership with the advanced Metrons.
"Arena" features a classic battle/survival scenario played out in a rugged, alien environment every bit a character in the story as Kirk and the Gorn are. Kirk's admitted aversion to reptiles and frustration with the Metron's never sways him from keeping his wits and his humanity about him, despite his injuries and the psychological rigors of the situation. The underlying theme of this episode, the dangers of prejudice, bigotry, and violence, are at the core of the principles treated not only by TOS but also by the spin-off series as well. The Gorn would go on to become a beloved fan design, and wouldn't return to the on-screen Trekverse until an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, featuring a CGI Gorn. The treament of human failings and potential in "Arena" will keep the episode forever among the favorites of fans of the original series.
Screencaps directly off the bow...
The episode's title card, with the shattered Cestus III base in the background.

The face of the enemy: the Gorn captain.

A glimpse of a Metron, who informs Kirk that in a thousand years or so, humanity might warrant further attention.
The long and short of the story: the Enterprise is called to the Starfleet base on Cestus III. Kirk and a landing party beam down to discover that the base is in ruins, destroyed by a mysterious enemy who begins attacking the party. The party finds a survivor, who informs Kirk that the base was destroyed before the message was sent to the Enterprise, meaning the enemy wanted to lure the ship there. While Kirk and his team struggle to survive the disruptor barrage on the surface, the Enterprise is engaged in a fight with a ship never seen before. Kirk defeats the aliens on the planet and returns his team to the Enterprise and orders a pursuit of the enemy vessel. The Enterprise catches up to the alien ship, but Kirk is spirited off the bridge to the surface of an unexplored planet after being told by a mysterious alien race called the Metrons that he must battle the captain of the alien vessel. Planetside, Kirk meets the enemy captain, his first encounter with a Gorn, a large humanoid reptile. Kirk must use his wits to construct a weapon from the raw materials of the planet to survive against the Gorn, who is also given the same challenge. Kirk eventually defeats the Gorn, but proves to the Metrons that humans are not all savages when he spares the helpless Gorn's life. Kirk is returned to the Enterprise after a Metron tells him that one day far in the future, humans will be worthy of a partnership with the advanced Metrons.
"Arena" features a classic battle/survival scenario played out in a rugged, alien environment every bit a character in the story as Kirk and the Gorn are. Kirk's admitted aversion to reptiles and frustration with the Metron's never sways him from keeping his wits and his humanity about him, despite his injuries and the psychological rigors of the situation. The underlying theme of this episode, the dangers of prejudice, bigotry, and violence, are at the core of the principles treated not only by TOS but also by the spin-off series as well. The Gorn would go on to become a beloved fan design, and wouldn't return to the on-screen Trekverse until an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, featuring a CGI Gorn. The treament of human failings and potential in "Arena" will keep the episode forever among the favorites of fans of the original series.
Screencaps directly off the bow...
The episode's title card, with the shattered Cestus III base in the background.

The face of the enemy: the Gorn captain.

A glimpse of a Metron, who informs Kirk that in a thousand years or so, humanity might warrant further attention.

I always wanted to see more of the guy that helped them set up the mortar. Kelowitz? I thought he'd be a pretty savvy guy to have in a fight.
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