Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Continuing Mission...?

Captain's Log 02030.7. 0651 hrs.

Well, it's been a few weeks since I've updated "The Trektastic Voyage." It might seem as if I've given up and put The Trektastic Voyage in mothballs.

But that's not the case.

As I stated when I began TTV almost six months ago, there would be times when events in my life would undoubtedly postpone my updating of the blog. And this has happened over the course of the last few weeks.

Today, I will get TTV updated for the last two weeks, and then be back on track with this weekend's episodes, which I will review tomorrow before we head off to a Superbowl party. And in a few short days, on February 8th, The Trektastic Voyage will be half-way through its one-year journey of exploring Star Trek: The Original Series. I'll mark the six-month point with an early entry for next week's episodes and an update on Star Trek XI and Star Trek: Remastered.

So to my few loyal readers, fear not, and thanks for reading.

The mission continues...


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