Sunday, March 11, 2007

Update on The Trektastic Voyage

Captain's Log 03110.7 0914 hrs.

The Trektastic Voyage remains on course for September 8, 2007, but we're having some engine trouble along the way. Sounds like the Enterprise herself.

Anyway, I've been on course with watching the episodes and had the posts ready to go two weeks ago. The problem arose when the source of my screencaps, the wonderful, shut their photo galleries down temporaraliy. I'd been waiting to see when they would return, but now, I need to post to the blog so I don't get too far behind.

After I post the write-ups from the episodes from two weeks ago, I'll write and then post the write-ups for last week. This week's episodes will be viewed and reviewed sometime in the middle of this week. By the end of this week, The Trektastic Voyage will be on schedule. Whether I'll continue to be able to use screencaps as part of this year-long journey remains to be seen.



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