Friday, September 08, 2006

"He's dead, Jim..."

Captain's Log: 8/9/06. 0005 hrs.

Well, the day marking the 40th anniversary is over. I watched "The Man Trap," "The Corbomite Manuever," "Space Seed," and "Amok Time" tonight. If I'd gotten started sooner, I'd have been able to watch another episode or two. As it is, this Trektastic Trekker is tired and needs to get some sack time.

I'm going to continue my 40th anniversary marathon tomorrow and Sunday. I'm going to watch another six to seven episodes before the weekend is over, spanning all three seasons.

Next Friday, the regular phase of The Trektastic Voyage will begin with "Where No Man Has Gone Before."

Tonight's episodes were all classics. I especially love "Space Seed," which introduced Ricardo Montalban's Khan, and "Amok Time." Two great episodes that are heavy on characterization, writing, and acting. They're also great fun, and I realized tonight just how little fun a lot of television is today. Fun seems to be a curse word, as if somehow, dramatic stories and action-packed adventure can't involve fun.

Anyway, I'm tired from a long Friday of teaching. I did myself in tonight by eating too much pizza. I'm going to go sleep it off.

More to come...

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