"A Taste of Armageddon"
"A Taste of Armaggedon" ranks around a 6 on scale of 1 to 10. It's got an interesting plot and an important message about the foolishness and destructivness of war, but it doesn't offer much in the way of action or character moments.
The Enterprise journeys to Eminiar VII to deliver Ambassador Robert Fox, whose orders are to establish diplomatic relations with the Eminiarians. Despite Eminiar's warnings to not beam down, Kirk reluctanlty does so on the orders of Fox. Anan VII, the high councilman of the Eminiarian ruling body, informs Kirk and his party that they are casualties of a war between neighboring Vendikar. Kirk is stunned by this news, especially since the Enterprise's scans of the planet reveal it is highly advanced and peaceful. Anan VII explains that Eminiar and Vendikar have been at war for five centuries, and Spock realizes that the warring planets allow their computers to fight for them. When a hit is registered on either side, those in the affected area report to disintegration booths, where they are annihilated. Kirk and his party are imprisoned, and the Eminiarians attempt to destroy the Enterprise. Kirk escapes and locates the computer, which he promptly destroys. He then convinces Anan VII to try and work towards peace with Vendikar, and Fox pledges his help as a mediator. The Enterprise leaves after learning that talks are going well between the two planets.
"A Taste of Armaggedon" is similar to "The Return of the Archons," featuring a planet in the sway of a dominant computer. However, "Armaggedon" is far more successful and compelling, as it allows for a commentary on the ability of man to rise above its violent and warlike ways in the pursuit of peace. This episode fares better as it was written by Gene Coon, one of the best writers of the original Trek and one of its co-producers. The episode is still not one of the most adventurous or exciting installments, but it's message and performances make it a compelling commentary on the Vietnam era and our own.
The episode's title card.

Kirk is stunned and enraged when he learns how the war between Eminiar and Vendikar is fought, and that he and his crew are themselves casualties.

Kirk fires on the war computer, destroying it and freeing Eminiar and Vendikar to move forward in peace.
The Enterprise journeys to Eminiar VII to deliver Ambassador Robert Fox, whose orders are to establish diplomatic relations with the Eminiarians. Despite Eminiar's warnings to not beam down, Kirk reluctanlty does so on the orders of Fox. Anan VII, the high councilman of the Eminiarian ruling body, informs Kirk and his party that they are casualties of a war between neighboring Vendikar. Kirk is stunned by this news, especially since the Enterprise's scans of the planet reveal it is highly advanced and peaceful. Anan VII explains that Eminiar and Vendikar have been at war for five centuries, and Spock realizes that the warring planets allow their computers to fight for them. When a hit is registered on either side, those in the affected area report to disintegration booths, where they are annihilated. Kirk and his party are imprisoned, and the Eminiarians attempt to destroy the Enterprise. Kirk escapes and locates the computer, which he promptly destroys. He then convinces Anan VII to try and work towards peace with Vendikar, and Fox pledges his help as a mediator. The Enterprise leaves after learning that talks are going well between the two planets.
"A Taste of Armaggedon" is similar to "The Return of the Archons," featuring a planet in the sway of a dominant computer. However, "Armaggedon" is far more successful and compelling, as it allows for a commentary on the ability of man to rise above its violent and warlike ways in the pursuit of peace. This episode fares better as it was written by Gene Coon, one of the best writers of the original Trek and one of its co-producers. The episode is still not one of the most adventurous or exciting installments, but it's message and performances make it a compelling commentary on the Vietnam era and our own.
The episode's title card.

Kirk is stunned and enraged when he learns how the war between Eminiar and Vendikar is fought, and that he and his crew are themselves casualties.

Kirk fires on the war computer, destroying it and freeing Eminiar and Vendikar to move forward in peace.

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